Financial Freedom Workshop

  • Make Your Budget

    You will learn all the steps needed to create your personal budget as well as stick to it so that you are spending in alignment with your vision

  • Get out of Debt

    You will learn how to get out and stay out of debt as well as become financially literate around all things debt related as well as your credit score

  • Identify your Retirement goals

    You will answer the question of how much you need to save up for your retirement and also learn how to go about doing that!

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Course curriculum

    1. Financial Freedom Introduction

    2. Before we begin...

    1. Financial Freedom Workshop Session 1 Workbook

    2. Power of BUDGETING

    3. Expense Categories Game

    4. Contingency Savings

    5. Budgeting Steps 1-4

    6. Affirmations & Assignment

    7. Test your Learning

    1. Financial Freedom workshop Session 2 Workbook

    2. Living Expenses

    3. Prioritize Your Expenses

    4. Create Your Budget - the next steps

    5. Affirmations & Assignment

    6. Track Compare Adjust

    7. Test Your Learning

    1. Financial Freedom Workshop Session 3 Workbook

    2. What is Debt ?

    3. Steps to get out of Debt

    4. Retirement & Debt

    5. Credit Score

    6. Affirmations & Assignment

    7. Test Your Learning

    1. Financial Freedom workshop Session 4 Workbook

    2. Retirement Savings

    3. Magic of Compound Interest

    4. 3 Steps to Financial Freedom

    5. Affirmations & Assignment

    6. Test your learning

    1. Congrats! Here's what's next...

    2. More resources for you

    3. Before you go...

About this course

  • $189.00
  • 32 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Meet Your Coach

Coach Parizad Srivastava

Parizad is a Certified Abundance Mindset Coach and Canfield Success Principles Trainer and the founder of Manifest Your Life of Greatness. She has offered workshops in Manifesting Abundance and Success to clients from all over the world. She is a Key Note speaker and the author of the soon-to-be-released Book: Manifest Your Life of Greatness - The Gift of an Abundance Mindset. Having been a practitioner of meditation and the law of manifestation all her life, Parizad brings a unique perspective of being brought up in a family practicing and implementing the laws of manifestation from the very beginning of her life.